1. Receive apologies

  2. Confirm appointment of co-opted members

  3. Co-opted members complete declaration of acceptance and Register of Members Interests

  4. Receive declarations of interest to items on the agenda

  5. Approve minutes of the meeting held 17 May 2022

  6. Matters arising

    1. Condition of pump

    2. Broadband update

    3. Pheasant destruction at Melin y Cwm

  7. Finance; 18 May - 30 June 2022

  8. Budget monitoring

  9. Request for financial assistance

    1. Llanwrtyd Community Support

  10. Planning (Approved prior to meeting)

    1. Application Ref; 22/0647/HH

    2. Creation of a driveway (retrospective) at Caru Nyth, Garth for Mrs Melanie Jones

  11. Planning as posted on Powys Community Council Website - Refused

    1. Application Ref; 22/0390/HH Internal altercation and rear extension at Cae Bedw, Garth

  12. Appoint one of 4 candidates to Powys County Council Standards Community sub-Committee

    1. Candidates:
      Karen Ann Coldrick Llangammarch Wells
      Ann Jeremiah Crickhowell
      Hugh Pattrick Ystradfellte
      Nigel Thomas Price Llanwrtyd Wells

  13. Correspondence

    1. Letter of thanks from Kids Cancer Charity

  14. Date of next meeting

Current account


Mrs D Samuel (Internal Audit): 20.00

Wales Air Ambulance (Donation): 30.00

Kids Cancer Charity (Donation): 30.00

Beulah and District Show (Donation): 30.00

One Voice Wales (Membership): 85.00

Balance in bank

Current account: 8226.74

Business Reserve Account: 1884.80