Agenda 31 August 2024


Chairman: Hugh James

Tel: 01591 620289

Clerk: Megan Price

Brongarth, Llanafanfawr,

Builth Wells, LD2 3PH

Tel: 01591 620640 / 07980 154686

31 August 2024

A meeting of Treflys Community Council will be held in Beulah Reading Room on Tuesday, 10 September 2024 at 7:30 PM.

Megan Price



Receive apologies

Receive Co-opted Member

Receive declarations of interest

Approve minutes of previous meeting held on 29 May 2024

Matters arising

a) Sewage system

b) Bute Energy

c) Memorial Trees, Irfon Valley School

Finance: 30 May – 31 August 2024


Precept: £1333.00


PJE Accountants (Submission of Pension Regulator Declaration): £60.00

Zurich Municipal (Insurance): £257.60

Audit Wales (Audit 2021/22): £285.00

Irfon Valley CP School (Donation): £100.00

Garth Village Hall (Running Cost Support): £500.00

Beulah Reading Room (Running Cost Support): £500.00

Builth Wells Community Support (Donation): £200.00

One Voice Wales (Membership): £104.00

M Beer (Re-locating Defibrillator): £165.94

Mrs D Samuel (Internal Audit 2023/24): £30.00

Transfer to Reserve Account: £6000.00

Balance in bank

Current Account: £5307.83

Reserve Account: £7925.55

Request for Sponsorship - Beulah and District Show


Application Ref: 24/1161/FUL

Grid Ref: E:290925 N:250034

Erection of a steel portal framed building to cover an existing concrete yard that is used as a dry muck store at Pant-teg, Llanwrtyd Wells LD5 4UH for OM & SS Price

Link Officer between Town & Community Councils and Powys County Council

Correspondence (if any)

Date of next meeting

Any other business

Report for the Year 2023/24

Treflys Community Council is a rural parish in Southern Powys, situated between the towns of Builth Wells and Llanwrtyd Wells. It is represented by eight members: five from the Beulah area and three from the Garth area. Sadly, Mr. Tom Evans (Beulah area) passed away in December 2023. Notice to fill the casual vacancy was displayed on the notice board. An appointment will be made at the AGM in May 2024.

The Community Council covers the village of Beulah, part of Garth, and surrounding farms, consisting of upland and arable land and woodland which comprises 6161.99 hectares, with a population of approximately 450. This equates to a population density of 0.07 persons per hectare. Meetings are held in The Reading Room, Beulah. The local County Councillor for Treflys and the County Councillor representing Llanafanfawr with Garth regularly attend as guests to support and advise the Community Council as required.

Within the Community Council area, there are three religious edifices rich in history:

  • Llanlleonfel Church: Rebuilt in 1876, associated with the Gwynne and Wesley families.

  • Eglwys Oen Duw: Built in 1865/6 due to the generosity of Clara Thomas, Llwynmadoc.

  • Beulah Congregational Chapel: Built in 1821, connected with the musician John Price, known as “Ioan Buallt” (1857-1930).


Coronation of King Charles III The Coronation of The King and The Queen took place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday, 6 May 2023. The service, conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, reflected the monarch’s role today and looked forward to the future while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry.

To commemorate the Coronation:

  • A BBQ and Quiz were held at The Trout Inn, along with a Best Dressed Crown competition.

  • On 7 May, Garth Village celebrated with games, fun, and competitions for Best Dressed King/Queen, Homemade Crown, and Hand-drawn Picture of the King, followed by a picnic and BBQ.

Throughout the year, committees of The Reading Room and Garth Village Hall continued to organize a range of events well attended by residents.

Community Council’s Finance

The Community Council’s income is provided by a precept, part of the council tax paid by each household and collected by Powys County Council. The precept is paid to the Community Council in three parts during the months of April, August, and December. Expenses include the Clerk’s Salary, Insurance, Internal and External Audit Fees, and membership to One Voice Wales. The precept for 2023/24 was £5,000.00.


The Community Council administered its own affairs effectively, which will be subject to internal and external audits to ensure good governance.

Audit of Functions

  • The Community Council is a member of One Voice Wales, providing a wealth of information and available for advice and training.

  • Communication between Councillors and the Clerk is via e-mail, telephone, and post.

  • Financial support was provided for the Coronation Celebrations in Beulah and Garth and other charities.

  • Responded appropriately to all planning issues requiring their consideration.

  • Addressed road matters of concern to residents, notably in respect of highways issues including potholes, blocked drains, speeding traffic, cutting of grass verges, and overhanging branches to improve visibility, reported to Powys County Council via our County Councillor.

  • All members opted out of the proposed allowance of £156.00 and notified the Proper Officer.

Aims and Objectives

  • To act as a link between public sector organizations and the community on a range of subjects such as the environment, planning issues, community events, and safety.

  • To represent the views of the community.

  • Identify concerns and issues and seek to develop solutions from other bodies.

  • Support, if needed, community projects and groups.

  • The impact of climate change remains an ongoing priority.

Minutes 29 May 2024

Date: Wednesday, 29 May 2024
Location: Beulah Reading Room

Members Present:

  • Messrs Hugh James, Estyn James, Chris Fairhurst, Allan Taylor

  • Mrs Freda James

  • CC. Peter James


  • Messrs Ian Powell, Roland Wear

  • CC Bryan Davies

Chair: Mr. Hugh James

1. Declarations of Personal Interest

There were no declarations of personal interest recorded.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 03 January 2024, displayed on the notice boards and website, and circulated to members, were confirmed as an accurate record by Mr. Estyn James, seconded by Mrs. Freda James, and signed by the Chairman.

3. Matters Arising

a) Sewage System

  • CC Peter James reported that re-lining had been carried out where parts were affected by infiltration.

  • A further investigation was conducted in March.

  • Re-establishment of the road is programmed for early next year with an estimated cost of £150,000.

  • Monitoring needs to continue.

b) Bute Energy

  • Consultations are still taking place in affected communities.

  • CC Peter James referenced the Pylon Community Action Group formed in Llanwrtyd Wells, working with Fay Jones MP and James Evans MS.

  • New proposals are being made near Llanwrtyd Wells, taking away Cefn Gorwydd.

  • It is hoped Bute Energy will work with the MOD to consider low-flying aircraft.

c) Defibrillator

  • The defibrillator is now sited at The Reading Room by Mr. M Beer.

  • Invoice received for £165.54.

4. Finance (04 January - 29 May 2024)

Current Account Receipts:

  • Precept: £1334.00


  • Francis Gray Ltd (Preparing Clerk’s PAYE for 2 years) (Previous cheque not received): £180.00

  • HMRC: £280.00

  • Clerk’s Stipend & Expenses (2023/24): £1277.80

Balance in Bank:

  • Current Account: £11,177.37

  • Reserve Account: £1918.52

This report was received by Mr. Estyn James, seconded by Mr. Allan Taylor.

5. Planning

Approved Prior to Meeting:

  • Application Ref: 24/0383/FUL

    • Grid Ref: E:295840 N:249991

    • Description: Resubmission of application ref 22/2010/FUL. Construction of slurry lagoon and associated works at Llwynpiod, Garth LD4 4AU for Mr. J Davies.


  • Appeal Ref: CAS-03062-D5P4Z5

    • Proposed Development: Erection of local needs affordable dwelling, creation of access drive, installation of wastewater treatment plant and drainage field, and all associated works (all matters reserved) at Dolgoch Field, Garth LD4 4BH for Mr. C S Newton & C G Fulford-Rober.

    • The appeal has been made to Planning and Environment Decisions Wales against the Council’s refusal of the proposal.

6. Casual Vacancy - Treflys Ward

Two residents expressed interest in this vacancy. Mrs. Amanda Thomas was appointed.

7. Request for Financial Assistance

a) Builth Wells Community Support

  • Agreed to forward a donation of £200.00.

b) Irfon Valley CP School

  • A contribution towards purchasing “Leaving Teddies” for children at the closure of the school.

  • Agreed to forward a donation of £100.00.

  • Proposals moved by Mr. Chris Fairhurst, seconded by Mr. Estyn James.

8. One Voice Wales Membership

On the proposition of Mr. Estyn James, seconded by Mr. Allan Taylor, it was agreed to renew membership for 2024/25. The fee is £104.00.

9. Report for 2023/24

Under the 2021 Local Government and Democratic (Wales) Act, Councils are required to produce an annual report. Members approved the report prepared for 2023/24.

10. Website

Pixelhaze, who hosts the Community Council’s Website, offers a package to cover the domain name, website subscription, and support plan for £15.00 + VAT per month. Agreed to accept this offer.

11. Correspondence

Invitation to the Chair to attend a concert in memory of Violette Szabo and D-Day received from Builth Wells Community Support. – Noted.

12. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday, 29 August 2024, Beulah Reading Room, 7:30 pm.

13. Any Other Business

a) Highways

  • CC Peter James referred to road conditions, particularly potholes, which is a general situation throughout Powys.

  • A new regime to improve pothole repairs is being implemented by re-aligning with liquid tar to extend the life of the repair.

  • Mr. James was also requested to report the dip in the road by Caeryrfa.

b) Irfon Valley School

  • Mr. Chris Fairhurst referred to memorial trees planted in the grounds of the school.

  • The local community is concerned about the future of the trees following the school closure.

  • Clerk to contact Powys County Council requesting views on retaining the trees in situ.

No further business was transacted. The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9:15 pm.



Report for Year 2022/23

Treflys Community Council is a rural parish in Southern Powys situated between the towns of Builth Wells and Llanwrtyd Wells. Represented by eight members. Five members represent the Beulah area, three members the Garth area. 

The Community Council covers the village of Beulah and part of Garth and surrounding farms which consist of upland and arable land and woodland which comprises of 6161.99 hectares, with a population of approximately 450. This equates to population density of 0.07 persons per hectare.

Meetings are held in The Reading Room Beulah. The local County Councillor is in regular attendance as a guest to support and advise the Community Council as required.

Within the Community Council area there are three religious edifices which provide an abundance of history.

Llanlleonfel Church, rebuilt in 1876 and its association with the Gwynne and Wesley families.

Eglwys Oen Duw, built in 1865/6 due to the generosity of Clara Thomas, Llwynmadoc

Beulah Congregational Chapel  built in 1821 it’s connection with the musician John Price, known as

“Ioan Buallt” 1857-1930





This year has been unique as the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth 11 was an international celebration marking  the 70th anniversary of her accession on 6th February 1952.  The 1st British monarch to ever celebrate one.

Residents of the area gathered at Llwynmadoc for a picnic followed by games and later in the evening a platinum quiz took place at The Trout Inn.

To commemorate the Jubilee on 20th April  Beulah YFC planted two wild cherry trees in the village play area attended by YFC members, Community Councillors and Mr Peter James (High Sheriff of Powys) this being his last engagement in this capacity.


Unfortunately, the Queen passed away on 8th September in Balmoral aged 96 years.

During the mourning period meetings and events were postponed.  





The Community Council’s income is provided by a precept which is part of the council tax paid by each household and collected by Powys County Council. The precept is paid to the Community Council in three parts during the months of April, August and December. Expenses of the Community Council include the Clerk’s Salary, Insurance, Internal and External Audit Fees and membership to One Voice Wales. Precept for 2022/23 was £5,000.00. (This being local election year additional costs will have to be met)



Administered its own affairs effectively which will be subject to an internal and external audit and ensured good governance.



* The Community Council is a member of One Voice Wales who provide a wealth of information

   and are available for advice and training

* Communication between Councillors and Clerk is via e-mail, telephone and post

* Financially supported the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in Beulah and Garth and other Charities

* Responded appropriately to all planning issues requiring their consideration

* Road matters which were of concern to residents-notably in respect of highways issues                                                                     

   including potholes, blocked drains, speeding of traffic, cutting of grass verges and overhanging   

   branches to  improve visibility continue to be reported to Powys County Council via our

   County Councillor.

* All members opted out of the proposed allowance of £160.00 and notified the Proper officer




* To act as a link between public sector organisations and the community on a range of subjects e.g., the environment, planning issues, community events and safety

* To represent the views of the community

* Identify concerns and issues and seek to develop solutions from other bodies

* Support if need identified community projects and groups

* The impact of climate change remains an ongoing priority




A meeting of Treflys Community Council was held on Tuesday 23 May 2023 at Beulah Reading Room.

Members present: Messrs; Hugh James, Tom Evans, Chris Fairhurst, Roland Wear, Estyn James and Ian Powell and Mrs Freda James. Also, CC. Peter James and CC. Bryan Davies.

APOLOGY. Mr Allan Taylor


 There were no declarations of personal interest recorded


 Minutes of previous meeting held on 07 March 2023 which had been displayed on the website and circulated to members were confirmed as an accurate record by Mr Roland Wear seconded by Mr Tom Evans and signed by the Chairman.


 Broadway Partners will be unable to determine the future of the project in the area as UK Government have pulled  the funding, but are requesting the project is re-examined and withdrawn from the procurement process.

Confirmed this will be moved to the Reading Room where it will be more accessible. Mr Ian Powell agreed to contact a gentleman who resides in Garth to carry out this duty.  

c) Mr Chris Fairhurst expressed thanks on behalf of Garth Village Hall for the donation received towards the Coronation Celebrations which were every successful.

4 FINANCE; 08 MARCH -23 MAY 2023


Precept                                                                                                             1666.68


HMRC (PAYE)                                                                                                       280.00

Clerk’s Stipend and Expenses                                                                         1315.20  

Audit Wales (External Audit Fee 2020/21)                                                     330.00

Amanda Thomas  (Donation towards Beulah Coronation Celebrations)   400.00

Garth Village Hall (Donation towards Garth Coronation Celebrations)     400.00

One Voice Wales (Membership)                                                                         95.00

Francis Gray (Preparing Clerk’s Payroll 2 years)                                             180.00



Current Account                                                                                                 7885.43

Reserve Account                                                                                                 1893.08                                                                               


Budget monitoring approved


This report was received by Mr Ian Powell seconded by Mr Roland Wear



Approved prior to meeting


a) Application Ref; 23/0366/FUL Grid Ref: E: 291882 N: 250240

Siting of two cabins for holiday accommodation, installation of sewage treatment plant and associated works at Caerau, Beulah LD5 4UF for R & J Thomas


b) Application Ref: 23/0537/HH Grid Ref: E: 291220 N: 247320

Single storey extension to side and rear, with balcony on part of flat roof at Cefngast, Llanwrtyd Wells LD4 4DE for Mr & Mrs D Evans




a) Application Ref; 21/1593/FUL

Erection of 3 single bed and 1 two bed holiday retreats, associated parking spaces, landscaping and installation of package treatment plant at Trallwm Forest Cottages. (Approved)


b) Application Ref: 23/0045/HH

Installation of a free-standing Monobloc Air Source Heat Pump at 3 Ashfield, Garth   (Consent)


c) Application  20/1677/RES for reserved matters following approval of P/2017/0870

Erection of 12 dwellings and associated works at Plot Opposite the Post Office, Beulah for M & J Evans, Hafod y garreg    (Refused)




a) Appointment of Powys CC Sub-Committee. Nominations received from Karen M Coldrick,

Llangammarch Wells and Evan P Silk, Cwmdu.

Agreed to vote for Karen M Coldrick

b) Celebrating Powys NHS Heroes for the 75th Birthday.. Noted

c) Vacancy for a Community Governor at Irfon Valley School. – No interest expressed

d) Climate and Nature Action Forum in Llandrindod  Wells 14 June 2023. Messrs. Tom Evans and Ian Powell agreed to attend.

e) Invitation to forward a motion to One Voice Wales for consideration by the Conference Motions Committee.  Noted

f) One Voice Wales Practice Conference Wednesday 5th July. Noted

g) Twinning Survey Request – No action


7 Llanwrtyd Wells Health Centre are providing more services in the ward. The Bracken Trust now have a hub in the practice.


8 REPORT FOR 2022/23


Under the 2021 Local government and Democratic (Wales) Act Councils are required to produce an annual report. Members approved the report prepared for 2022/23




  Tuesday 05 September 2023 Beulah Reading Room 7.30pm.




 a) CC Peter James and Messrs Tom Evans and Hugh James had a very positive meeting with Jenny Grubb from Welsh Water discussing improvements to elevate the flooding of the sewage system in the village. Waiting outcome from TRA.

b)  Agreed to forward a letter of thanks to Mr and Mrs Hywel Lewis who have been carrying out sterling work clearing refuse dumped in lay-bys in the area.



a) Forward a letter to TRA requesting removal of the derelict Fast-Food Hut and toilet sited in the lay-by on the A483 opposite Garth House.

b) Request the hedge at the turn on the A483 to Caerau be trimmed back to improve visibility


No further business was transacted. The Chairman thanked everyone for attendance and declared  the meeting closed at 9.10 pm.







AGM Agenda - 10 May 2023


Chairman: Hugh James
Tel: 01591 620289

Clerk: Megan Price
Builth Wells
Tel: 01591 620640/07980 154686

10 May 2023

The annual general meeting of Treflys Community Council will be held in Beulah Reading Room on Tuesday 23 May 2023 at 7.30pm.

Megan Price


  1. 1 Receive apologies

  2. 2 Appointment of officers for ensuing year

    • Chairman

    • Vice-Chairman

  3. Approve minutes of AGM held on 17 May 2022

  4. Matters arising

  5. Approve statement of accounts for year ending 31 March 2022 (Copy enclosed)

  6. View Standing and Financial Orders and Code of Conduct

  7. Councillor Allowance

  8. Update register of members interests

  9. Review Clerk’s stipend and travel allowance