Agenda - 24 February 2023


Chairman: Hugh James
Tel:  01591 620289

Clerk: Megan Price
Builth Wells
Tel:  01591 620640 / 07980 154686

24 February 2023

A meeting of Treflys Community Council will be held in Beulah Reading Room on Tuesday 07 March 2023 at 7.30pm. 

Megan Price (Clerk)


  1. Receive apologies

  2. Receive declarations of interest

  3. Approve minutes of previous meeting held on 06 December 2022

  4. Matters arising

    • Broadband update

    • Defibrillator

  5. Finance: 07 December 2022 -24 February 2023

    • Current Account

      • Receipts

        Precept: 1333.00

      • Expenditure

        Builth Wells Community Support (Donation): 200.00                         

        Powys County Council (Election Costs): 541.83             

      • Balance in bank                                       

        Current Account: 9218.97

        Reserve Account: 1888.85

  6. Budget monitoring

  7. Plannings

    • Approved prior to meeting

      • Application Ref: 22/2045/HH. Renovation and extension at 2 Birchfield Garth or Mr John Price, Smithfield Joinery.

      • Application Ref; 23/0045/HH 

        • Installation of a free-standing Monobloc air source heat pump at 3 Ashfield, Garth for 

        • Mr Adam Stevenson, Broad oak Properties Stoke-on- trent.

  8. Correspondence

    1. Membership Renewal for One Voice Wales 

    2. Letter of thanks-Builth Wells Community Support

    3. Climate and Nature Forum Survey

    4. Democratic Engagement Grant

    5. Town Council grant allocation

  9. Date of AGM and next meeting 

  10. Any other business