Treflys Community Council - Biodiversity Plan

1. Introduction

Community & Town Councils are required under the Environment Wales Act 2016 Section 6 to prepare and publish a plan setting out what it proposes to do to comply with the duty to Maintain and Enhance Biodiversity within their current work areas.

Public authorities must seek to maintain and enhance biodiversity in the exercise of functions in relation to Wales, and in so doing promote the resilience of ecosystems, so far as consistent with the proper exercise of those functions.

This plan demonstrates Treflys Community Council’s commitment to and responsibility for complying with the duty.

2. Treflys

Treflys Community Council includes the communities of Garth and Beulah. The Community Council area covers 6161.54 hectares and, at the 2011 census had a population of 484 people. It thus has a population density of 0.1 person per hectare.

The A483 passes through the main settlements. Community facilities include a Primary School ( Irfon CP School, Garth), a pub and garage/ shop ( Beulah), a Village Hall in Garth and a Reading Room in Beulah.

Garth has a railway station on the Heart of Wales Line.

Llanlleonfel Church and Eglwys Oen Duw and a Congregational Chapel are situated in the community.

3. Wildlife and Biodiversity

The southern part of the area falls within The Vales of Irfon and Ithon, Natural Landscape Area (NLCA 27). The Irfon is a SSSI and SAC and is important for otters, Atlantic salmon and specialised aquatic plants. The Irfon Catchment has one of the last Welsh populations of Freshwater Pearl Mussels.

The river Cammarch runs through Beulah village. The river is formed from the conjunction of a number of mountain streams and is also an important wildlife habitat.

4. Audit of Functions – What we do now

The Community Council does not own or manage any land. The Community Council supports local initiatives within the community.

5. Action Plan – What more we can do

Nature Recovery Action Plan for Wales Objective Action carried out to: Treflys Action
Objective 1: Engage and support participation and understanding to embed biodiversity throughout decision making at all levels -embed biodiversity into decision making & procurement
-raise awareness of biodiversity & its importance
The Community Council will:
-Review its policies to ensure that biodiversity is at the heart of all it does.
-Reflect its commitment to biodiversity and natural areas in the Council’s Annual Report.
-Take into account biodiversity considerations when considering planning applications and other associated matters.
-Support local organisations to embed biodiversity into local activity e.g. Village Halls, churches and chapels which own assets in the area.
Objective 2: Safeguard species and habitats of principal importance and improve their management -Safeguard principal species and habitats The Community Council does not own or manage any land but will support those organisations that do in the area.
It will pass any concerns to the relevant officers in Powys County Council.
Objective 3: Increase the resilience of our natural environment by restoring degraded habitats and habitat creation -Restore & create habitats and resilient ecological networks The Community Council does not own or manage any land but will support those organisations that do in the area.
It will pass any concerns to the relevant officers in Powys County Council.
Objective 4: Tackle key pressures on species and habitats -Tackle negative factors: for e.g. reduce pollution, use nature-based solutions, address invasive species The Community Council will work with the Irfon Catchment Project.
Work with The Heart of Wales Line to support biodiversity projects e.g. by encouraging pollinator friendly plants in station planters.
Objective 5: Improve our evidence, understanding and monitoring -Use, improve and share evidence The Community Council will continue to work with other organisations for the well-being of the community.
A recent example was the YFC planting 2 wild cherry trees in the play area in Beulah to mark HM Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee
Objective 6: Put in place a framework of governance and support for enhancing biodiversity -Support capacity, and/or other organisations The Community Council will continue to work with other organisations for the well-being of the community.
A recent example was the YFC planting 2 wild cherry trees in the play area in Beulah to mark HM Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee

6. Barriers and enablers


Limited ability to impact on biodiversity:

  • The Community Council does not manage or own any land.

  • It does not undertake any maintenance work but reports issues directly to the relevant organisations.


As a small community it is easy to work with other community groups on joint projects. The Community Council has excellent links with other community groups.

7. Monitoring and Review

This plan is due to be reviewed by the Community Council in 2025.

Adopted by Treflys Community Council


Signed …H M James……………….
