Report for Year 2022/23

Treflys Community Council is a rural parish in Southern Powys situated between the towns of Builth Wells and Llanwrtyd Wells. Represented by eight members. Five members represent the Beulah area, three members the Garth area. 

The Community Council covers the village of Beulah and part of Garth and surrounding farms which consist of upland and arable land and woodland which comprises of 6161.99 hectares, with a population of approximately 450. This equates to population density of 0.07 persons per hectare.

Meetings are held in The Reading Room Beulah. The local County Councillor is in regular attendance as a guest to support and advise the Community Council as required.

Within the Community Council area there are three religious edifices which provide an abundance of history.

Llanlleonfel Church, rebuilt in 1876 and its association with the Gwynne and Wesley families.

Eglwys Oen Duw, built in 1865/6 due to the generosity of Clara Thomas, Llwynmadoc

Beulah Congregational Chapel  built in 1821 it’s connection with the musician John Price, known as

“Ioan Buallt” 1857-1930





This year has been unique as the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth 11 was an international celebration marking  the 70th anniversary of her accession on 6th February 1952.  The 1st British monarch to ever celebrate one.

Residents of the area gathered at Llwynmadoc for a picnic followed by games and later in the evening a platinum quiz took place at The Trout Inn.

To commemorate the Jubilee on 20th April  Beulah YFC planted two wild cherry trees in the village play area attended by YFC members, Community Councillors and Mr Peter James (High Sheriff of Powys) this being his last engagement in this capacity.


Unfortunately, the Queen passed away on 8th September in Balmoral aged 96 years.

During the mourning period meetings and events were postponed.  





The Community Council’s income is provided by a precept which is part of the council tax paid by each household and collected by Powys County Council. The precept is paid to the Community Council in three parts during the months of April, August and December. Expenses of the Community Council include the Clerk’s Salary, Insurance, Internal and External Audit Fees and membership to One Voice Wales. Precept for 2022/23 was £5,000.00. (This being local election year additional costs will have to be met)



Administered its own affairs effectively which will be subject to an internal and external audit and ensured good governance.



* The Community Council is a member of One Voice Wales who provide a wealth of information

   and are available for advice and training

* Communication between Councillors and Clerk is via e-mail, telephone and post

* Financially supported the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in Beulah and Garth and other Charities

* Responded appropriately to all planning issues requiring their consideration

* Road matters which were of concern to residents-notably in respect of highways issues                                                                     

   including potholes, blocked drains, speeding of traffic, cutting of grass verges and overhanging   

   branches to  improve visibility continue to be reported to Powys County Council via our

   County Councillor.

* All members opted out of the proposed allowance of £160.00 and notified the Proper officer




* To act as a link between public sector organisations and the community on a range of subjects e.g., the environment, planning issues, community events and safety

* To represent the views of the community

* Identify concerns and issues and seek to develop solutions from other bodies

* Support if need identified community projects and groups

* The impact of climate change remains an ongoing priority