Agenda 31 August 2024


Chairman: Hugh James

Tel: 01591 620289

Clerk: Megan Price

Brongarth, Llanafanfawr,

Builth Wells, LD2 3PH

Tel: 01591 620640 / 07980 154686

31 August 2024

A meeting of Treflys Community Council will be held in Beulah Reading Room on Tuesday, 10 September 2024 at 7:30 PM.

Megan Price



Receive apologies

Receive Co-opted Member

Receive declarations of interest

Approve minutes of previous meeting held on 29 May 2024

Matters arising

a) Sewage system

b) Bute Energy

c) Memorial Trees, Irfon Valley School

Finance: 30 May – 31 August 2024


Precept: £1333.00


PJE Accountants (Submission of Pension Regulator Declaration): £60.00

Zurich Municipal (Insurance): £257.60

Audit Wales (Audit 2021/22): £285.00

Irfon Valley CP School (Donation): £100.00

Garth Village Hall (Running Cost Support): £500.00

Beulah Reading Room (Running Cost Support): £500.00

Builth Wells Community Support (Donation): £200.00

One Voice Wales (Membership): £104.00

M Beer (Re-locating Defibrillator): £165.94

Mrs D Samuel (Internal Audit 2023/24): £30.00

Transfer to Reserve Account: £6000.00

Balance in bank

Current Account: £5307.83

Reserve Account: £7925.55

Request for Sponsorship - Beulah and District Show


Application Ref: 24/1161/FUL

Grid Ref: E:290925 N:250034

Erection of a steel portal framed building to cover an existing concrete yard that is used as a dry muck store at Pant-teg, Llanwrtyd Wells LD5 4UH for OM & SS Price

Link Officer between Town & Community Councils and Powys County Council

Correspondence (if any)

Date of next meeting

Any other business