Agenda 24 August 2023

Chairman: Hugh James

Tel: 01591 620289

Clerk: Megan Price



Builth Wells


Tel: 01591 620640/07980 154686

24 August 2023

A meeting of Treflys Community Council will be held in Beulah Reading Room on Tuesday 05 September 2023 at 7.30pm.

Megan Price



1 Receive apologies

2 Receive declarations of interest

3 Approve minutes of previous meeting held on 23 May 2023

4 Matters arising

a) Karen K Coldrick appointed onto Powys C C Standards Community Sub Committee

b) Highways

5 Finance: 23 May – 24 August 2023


Mrs D Samuel (Internal Auditor) 30.00

Zurich Municipal (Insurance) 257.60

Balance in bank

Current Account 7601.17

Reserve Account 1896.40

6 Plannings

Planning Decisions as published on Powys County Council Website


Application Ref; 23/0537/FUL. Single storey extension to side and rear with balcony on part of flat roof, at Cefngast Farm, Llanwrtyd Wells LD4 4DE


a) Application Ref; 22/2010/FUL. Creation of a slurry lagoon at Llwynpiod, Garth LD4 4AU

b) Application REF; 22/1590/OUT. Erection of local needs affordable dwelling, creation of access drive and all associated works (All matters reserved) at Dolgoch Field, Garth LD4 5BH

7 Correspondence (if any)

8 Date of next meeting

9 Any other business